Archive for category Just Freaking Neat
The Sunday Punch: The Cast of COMMUNITY is Batman Now.
Posted by mistergroonk in Art, Artist, Just Freaking Neat, Television on February 26, 2012
These samples of fan made awesome began appearing on the blog-o-nets in December 2011. We kept the links in cold storage until we could better parse them through this site. Now TV internet is abuzz with COMMUNITY’s return to television.
March 15th on Thursday nights.
We feel now’s the time to share these fan images made by Deviant artist, Kinjamin. Just follow this here Community link to learn the method behind his character cosplaying madness.
Today in Star Wars: Duncan Fegredo’s ‘Jan Solo,’ Ladies with Ray Guns
Posted by mistergroonk in Art, Artist, Just Freaking Neat on February 21, 2012
This week’s subject is “ray guns” over on the WhatNot sketch blog. We strongly suggest you have a look.
Duncan Fegredo filled today’s Star Wars quota easily.
via WhatNot
Today in Star Wars: Avatar: The Last Airbender, from a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Artist, Just Freaking Neat, Television on February 13, 2012
A Damn Fine Short SciFi-Film: Aaron Sims’ ARCHETYPE , ‘Your Memories are Just a Glitch’
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Intertube Madness, Just Freaking Neat, Movies, Robots on February 10, 2012
Official Synopsis
RL7 is an eight-foot tall combat robot that goes on the run after malfunctioning with vivid memories of once being human. As its creators and the military close in, RL7 battles its way to uncovering the shocking truth behind its mysterious visions and past.
Directed by: Aaron Sims
starring: Robert Joy (Land of the Dead, CSI:NY) and David Anders (Heroes, 24).
What We Learned: Special effects and animation veteran Aaron Sims released his $0 budget and completely unfunded labor of love, ARCHETYPE, on the Internets January 20, 2012. After watching it the first time we decided on the spot that ARCHETYPE is pretty fucking cool!
Like most Hollywood movies, all the usual tropes are covered. Unlike most Hollywood big action fare Aaron Sims made those tropes engaging and worth watching. We’ve already viewed this short more times than we care to mention.
Seven minutes is just not enough.
We hope this taste of the ARCHETYPE world generates enough buzz and gains financial backers so that he can fully visualize his labor of love. Note: we’re almost certain the concept art of Sims complete vision is featured in the credits. Stick around and watch those for once.
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! This has been a labor of love on a budget of $0 and it makes it all worth while when we see other poeple responding to it. Thank you! – Aaron Sims
Official sites: |
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Music Break: Download Adam WarRock’s “Parks + Rec” EP. It is Free and Epic. Waka Flocka Swanson!
Posted by mistergroonk in Digital Share, Just Freaking Neat, Music, Television on February 9, 2012
What it is: In the latter weeks of Janurary 2012 Adam WaRock dropped a three track EP dedicated to the television show Parks and Recreation (Parks & Rec to those in the know). Mr WarRock has already fed our nerd rap needs for months with his constant tracklog updates and the shiny “Browncoats Mixtape” released back in the fall of 2011.
The Parks & Rec cast know of the album. Jim O’Heir(Jerry) and Ben Schwartz(Jean Ralphio) sent out their tweets of appreciation. Now if only the show runners use one or all the songs in an upcoming episode. We know the former CEOs of Entertainment 720 would be all over these jams. But would Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson be on board? Write it up, writers!
The popularity of his Parks + Rec EP took WarRock by surprise. We don’t know why. The album is mint. Our favorite cut is “Knope 2012” featured directly below. The other two cuts, which tie at second in our book, “Waka Flocka Swanson” and “Knope 2012” lay below the jump.
Official Site:
Music Break: OK Go’s “Needing/Getting” Making Beautiful Music with a Chevy Sonic.
Posted by mistergroonk in Just Freaking Neat, Marketing, Music on February 7, 2012
OK Go is at it again with another fun music video. Do you remember when music videos were fun 80% of the time? We bet it was during the same time MTV actually played music videos.
Here we have their video “Needing/Getting.” This time OK Go’s sponsor in their musical journey is Chevy Sonic.
OK Go set up over 1000 instruments over two miles of desert outside Los Angeles. A Chevy Sonic was outfitted with retractable pneumatic arms designed to play the instruments, and the band recorded this version of Needing/Getting, singing as they played the instrument array with the car. The video took 4 months of preparation and 4 days of shooting and recording. There are no ringers or stand-ins; Damian took stunt driving lessons. Each piano had the lowest octaves tuned to the same note so that they’d play the right note no matter where they were struck.
“Time is Nothing” Traveling the World with Time Lapse Photography in Under 5 Minutes
Posted by mistergroonk in Just Freaking Neat, Photography, World on January 31, 2012