Posts Tagged Tom Baker
Moment of Who vs. Today in Star Wars: Dr Who/Star Wars Prequels Video Mashup is Here! Nerds Head Asplode.
Posted by mistergroonk in Intertube Madness, Just Freaking Neat, Movies, Television, Versus on December 26, 2011
Rick Kelvington has an all possessing love of Dr Who. That’s the only explanation for the insane mashups going on over at his YouTube channel. This prequel mashup is actually a sequel to the original mashup that debuted last year. How the hell we missed that one for an entire year is beyond us. It’s good to be surprised. It means we are seeing daylight once in a bit.
Any Who…ahem… Mr Kelvington we salute the time and effort put into making this bit of awesome. Seeing Tom Baker and David Tennant together on the same screen was extra helpings of win all on their own.
via geeks of doom
Moment of Who: Dr Who Characters Springfield Punx Style, Lovely
Posted by mistergroonk in Art, Television on October 25, 2011
Springfield Punx, the site dedicated to Simpsonizing most everything in pop culture, has created many Dr Who characters along those lines. He calls is Whosday.
Any Whosday makes a fine moment of Who. We’ve shared three of our recent favorites in this post. The other two are below the cut.