The Daily Eye: The Edge of Sunset

The Daily Eye: One Day at Bridge Street

Today, I Voted.

After fighting the years long battle against couch potato-itis, the time had come and I was sweaty. Fifteen minutes and a generous amount of soap and water later, I was ready. I gathered my iPod and primed Tiny Twitter. I saw the line earlier this morning. I was prepared for a long haul.

I’m at the church. The designated place for this piece of Huntsville’s polling needs. The line was not as fearsome as earlier. Once inside, the setup reminds me of all the time lost in public elementary school. A large room of cinder blocks and hardwood flooring was organized with long tables that were arranged about the center. The tables skirted the edges creating a temporary walkspace so as to better guide voters. Little privacy booths, standing room only, were lined together and flush to the walls. They were to be our port-a-potties of civic duty.

The lady regarded my ID and marked off my name with a bright yellow highlighter. The man gave me the cardboard ballot and a pen. My decision for the future leader of this country was made while standing. Five minutes later, my choice was fed into a strange black case. It dinged its approval of the meal. The “I Voted” sticker branded my accomplishment.

Free coffee was my celebration juice. I live in the wrong state to collect on the free sex toys.


The Body Art Machine: Serving Up Drinks with Art

A couple weekends ago I learned my shiny new Blackjack II takes multi-shots. So of course, things got a little crazy after that. Days later I learned the multi-shot reduces the image size and does nothing to adjust for darkness, like most other futurephone tech. So now I have a crapload of multi-shots that are for the most part crappy. In effort to squeeze something from nothing I’m doing a mosaic thing with them while starting a collection of body art photography of the people I meet.

Drinks and Art Go Together

The above is an intricate design of a lady holding a fish. It was found on one pretty awesome bartender at the local Sports Page. I’ll make a special return trip with a proper camera, and insatiable thirst for beer, to capture a better quality pic.