November 20th, 2007
VOTW: Amazon's New Kindle E-Reader Hideous, Clunky, Overpriced
Amazon’s new e-book reader thing, formally named the Kindle snuck up on me. It’s a bit early in the week to be pointing out Black Hats. Technically it hasn’t done anything to me personally to be considered ill-tempered, but as I’m about to be net-blind, thanks to embarassing amounts of turkey being shoved down my gullet, I’m willing to split a hair or two. In the meantime, let’s keep this brief.
TO: Amazon R & D
FROM: Consumer Groonk
RE: Hideous Clunky Overpriced Thing (Kindle)
Let’s address this by issue:
1) Kindle is ugly. The Future is many things my friends, but it should not be ugly. It should be sleek and contoured. It should have a color screen. It must be sexy. When I look at it, I should want to have sex with it on sight. (Not saying that I would have sex with it. I’m just saying I should *want* to have sex with it. Use the iPhone as a reference.)
2) Kindle is big. Before I appreciate the technologies of e-paper, it must be able to slip inside an encyclopedia and go unnoticed. It should also be able to hold the unabridged Oxford English Dicitonary on it’s wafer-thin harddrive. In my pocket I currently have my phone, iPod*, wallet, camera, keys and money. I can’t be bothered with trying to shove a Kindle in there too.
3) Kindle is not worth $399. For that money I could get an iPhone that will, mark my words, be able to do the same damn thing the Kindle can in a few generations. I’m thinking the 3rd or 4th generation iPhone will be more than capable of doubling…tripling…fourthling(?) as an e-reader.
Sidenote: Don’t even get me started on your video share feature on Kindle’s sell-page not involving some kind of embed device. When videos are offered for sharing, I’m expecting actual sharing. Not some random link where I’m duped to enter a friend’s email and you get one more corporate spam victim.
I guess I was wrong. You are a villain after all.
*Yes, most of these things could be dropped from the list of pocket renters but not today. Please refer back to number 3 on the list.