Groonkly Bit: Never Let Your Fingers Get Cold

From the current Warren Ellis interrogation thread on Whitechapel, I learn that I am not alone in these practices.

@oldhat: 1. I’ve often found it amazing how you’re able to write so many things in a day and can still come online and torment/love us. Do you have a schedule for that kind of thing, and if so can you run some of it by us? Just wondering how you do your amazing time management.

@warrenellis: It’s all on instinct, but mostly the other stuff is done during natural pauses in the work, where I can’t quite see how to get to the next bit yet, but don’t want to leave the keyboard and let my fingers get cold. So I flick up Whitechapel, Feed Demon or the Post2Blog window, just to keep typing, until the story unsticks itself and I can bring the manuscript back up

And the Morning Full of Errors

The simple things just won’t work today. The one of you who frequents this place may have noticed the Newsmine/Blog feeling a bit under the weather. It is sickly because it is not working. It is not working because every solution I find is blocked by another problem.

When the RSS feed from the previous incarnation would not export, I should have taken caution but I found the SQL import solution.

When the SQL failed to import via phpMyAdmin, I should have taken a nap but I tinkered and managed to create a swell confusion of things.

When I found the answer(hopefully) on how to import a large database, i should have been overjoyed but it is in video form. This computer has no audio card. The laptop has been running a chkdsk for half the night/morning(with no signs of finishing) and as it has the needed A/V capabilities, I am at an impasse until it finishes.

Then there are the widget problems on the working blog and the unnecessary time wasted finding a theme that would work for My Bits.

So here we sit. No news is bad news and I am very tired.

On days like these, I would not mind a Web Elf. Hell, taming a Web Goblin would be less trouble.

Characters Welcome

My moods shift like drifts of snow. Getting tired of my desktop appearance is a weekly occurrence. A recent visit to TV Tropes led to Studio Gainax which led to Shigeto Koyama‘s illustration of just about every Gainax character imaginable.

The banner and the grungey font were my idea. I had to make it fit the screen somehow.

Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei's OP Part the Second Blasts Your Soul

Being amazed, and slightly disturbed, by the GSZS first opening sequence was not enough for SHAFT.

Part two of Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei OVA series has arrived to strip your brains of all fears and hate. Then it will tease your desires with grand dollops of meta-potty humor. Above you see the new OP(that’s opening to non-anime watchers) for this direct to DVD version of the series.

SNOWBLOOD: Within Those Slopes Lay Frozen Danger

Marek Berger, whoever you are, I must say that you amused the piss out of me this fine, cold morning. SNOWBLOOD looks to be a 2nd semester film in a study of classical animation. A short bit of goodness that was found after viewing Punkybird use her mad skills drawing up Octopus Pie in super time lapse.

What is SNOWBLOOD? I’d rather let you discover that on your own. Let’s just say there’s something dangerous on those slopes. If you’re not prepared, you could meet a horrible, frosty end.

Also, the hero is totally based on my shredding adventures.* Only I’d look like shit in dreds. Artistic license, you know.

I highly recommend watching this in high quality widescreen over on the You Tube. Its worth the extra click. Yes, one could hack the you tube embed to play high quality but it is late/early. Getting into code, no matter how simple, does not appeal at this hour.

Groonkly Bit: Harvey Keitel Reveals Why He's to Damn Cool

“My approach is a bit different. compromise is a fact of life. you have children. you have to pay the rent. you have to feed them. it’s as simple as that. i’m also a old former marine and the philosophy was: respect your enemy, understand them, become what they are, and then kill them”
Harvey Keitel on working in the confines of the movie business, The Outsider

Discovering Boom Di Ada

Thanks to Will Pate, my Friday starts with charm.

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster Heirs Get "Fucking Immense" News

Just peeking out from the doom of my own making to reveal this:

superman,movieA federal judge here on Wednesday ruled that the heirs of Jerome Siegel — who 70 years ago sold the rights to the action hero he created with Joseph Shuster to Detective Comics for $130 — were entitled to claim a share of the United States copyright to the character. The ruling left intact Time Warner’s international rights to the character, which it has long owned through its DC Comics unit.


If the ruling survives a Time Warner legal challenge, it may also open the door to a similar reversion of rights to the estate of Mr. Shuster in 2013. That would give heirs of the two creators control over use of their lucrative character until at least 2033 — and perhaps longer, if Congress once again extends copyright terms — according to Marc Toberoff, a lawyer who represents the Siegels and the Shuster estate.
New York Times “Ruling Gives Heirs a Share of Superman Copyright”

What exactly does this have to do with the cost of Bud Light in Arab, AL? I’ll tell you what others, indirectly, told me(and the world, really).

Better yet. Have their words. I’m too tired and it’s way too damn early for processing information.

In brief, a share in the copyright to Superman that should have returned to the creators, under laws that helped creators of art and music who had been ripped off when younger to regain a portion of the rights to their song or creation, has been deemed by a judge to have been returned to the heirs of Jerry Siegel, with Time Warner and DC Comics kicking and screaming all the way. (On the one hand, I can hardly blame them. On the other, the law was obviously the law, the conclusion was pretty much inevitable — although I’m sure it’s been an enormous relief to the family — and I suspect the main purpose of the court case has been to put off the moment of reckoning as long as possible; not the moment of financial reckoning, because that clock started ticking in 1999, but the moment that the heirs to Superman could license Superman to entities other than DC Comics, which, as co-copyright holders, they are entitled to do. Marvel Comics publishing their own Superman comic, anyone?)
Neil Gaiman’s Journal


Even with the limitations noted in the supporting article, this is fucking immense…
Warren Ellis

In case you still don’t get it:

hey comics internet: this is really important.
Matt Fraction


The actual 86 page court opinion in PDF form.

Crazy, beautiful times we live in, yes?

More down-to-earth translation of the Superman ruling by JTraub on the Freakangels forum.

Groonkly Bit

It’s gonna be one of those days. I feel it.


Sun and Goldfrapp

It’s raining here. I figured some sun was needed.

A visual display aided by Goldfrapp.

Want to know how Robert Hodgin did that? Visit him here.