You're a little late I'm already torn

Ever feel like you’re being pulled in 10 directions at once? Ever feel half of those pullers don’t have your best interests at heart? If so, I’m hip. Let’s have a coffee one day and talk about it.

I’m busy being a pussy about facing an administration that has denied me twice before. If I am denied a third time, does that make me their savior?


The wallpaper below is a cover to one of the delayed Civil War books. I think Spidey may be realizing he backed the wrong pony on that whole “Whose Side are You On?” jazz.

Once I get my situation sorted, I’ll be back with regular-ish pithy responses to world situations, thoughts on stuff I watch/read/hear, and maybe even a little bit of life experiences again. Seems the universe has seen fit to throw more life-stuff my way. Nothing terribly exciting. But at least it’s something.

The rows of life’s ducks have much to fear from me. Fear that is only felt when you go a’hunting with Dick Cheney. Armed with only A’s and B’s(and a scant C), I face the dreaded administration alone.

During my painful transition have the above widescreen wallpaper of Spiderman being ripped asunder by his friends. I’m not sure what’s sadder, that I equated my life to a fictional character’s woes or the fact that I can name all those grabby hands looking to wishbone Spidey.