Posts Tagged shiny
Waves From the ‘Verse: Adam Warrock’s “Browncoats Mixtape,” Otis Frampton’s Animated Firefly & Case Mod Serenity Project
Posted by mistergroonk in Art, Digital Share, Intertube Madness, Music, Television on November 18, 2011
Here and below the jump lay three bits of shiny we’ve collected dealing with the all too short Firefly universe.
1) Adam Warrock “Browncoats Mixtape”
This beautiful collection of Firefly inspired jams was released into the wilds of Internet a few months ago. Since then, we’ve listened to the thing more times than we can count. It’s that shiny. We suggest you download it for free and confirm it for yourselves. Any true Browncoat would.
Download the shit out of this. Now.
Official site:
Stuff I Have Drawn’s Joe Blann Summarizes Firefly in 27 Shiny Panels
Posted by mistergroonk in Comics, Just Freaking Neat, Panel Perfect on August 11, 2010
Technically that’s 3 pages of 9 panel grid comics.
Do the math, gorramit!