Posts Tagged reddit
Moment of Who: Type 40 TARDIS Mark I Schematic
Posted by mistergroonk in Just Freaking Neat, Map, Technology on February 8, 2011
This was found on King Rassilon’s Photobucket and entered into the Dr Who Reddit.
Note the tiny Galaxy Class starship scale comparison on the bottom left. The Federation wishes it had Time Lord technology.
For even more TARDIS blueprints, scroll to the bottom of VerGuy’s Reddit post.
via r/doctorwho
Keeping Fear Alive: Stephen Colbert 2006 Presidential Dinner vs Stephen Colbert 2010 Congressional Hearing
Posted by mistergroonk in USA, Versus on October 29, 2010
Jon Stewart and Stephen T. Colbert’s The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear is barely a day away. Here we sit. Sad and disturbed about not being able to go.
It’s a fact that we can’t walk amongst our fellow sanity restorers in Washington D.C. tomorrow. But we sure as hell can Keep Fear Alive by bringing up old shit.
Let’s stir a pot of old beans, yes?
Stephen Colbert then: 2006 Speech at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner
Colbert was a young pup. Still a babe in the eyes of the half-hour cable TV show satire gods. Also, still very much in the shadow of The Daily Show. That’s when Stephen T. Colbert stood up at a White House dinner, in front of then president George W. Bush and did not hold back one inch.
Stephen Colbert now: 2010 Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship and Border Security Opening Statement
In the month of September 2010, Colbert was called before Congress to “describe his experience participating in the United Farm Workers’ “Take Our Jobs” program, in which he spent a day working alongside migrant workers in upstate New York.”
Stephen Colbert gives his opening statement during a hearing of the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship and Border Security (from C-SPAN 9/24/10 coverage).
Both Colberts spoke from the humerus and the heart. Both are dangerously fearless.
There is no physical difference between them. Except that the latter has an extra 4 years of comedy seasoning.
He was asked to leave the hearing. A few congressmen thought he was wasting taxpayer money. We immediately consider the amount of time Congress has burned on whether a few guys juiced playing a game of baseball. Others(Jon Stewart) have noticed this in a handy montage:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Truthiness to Power | ||||
After all is said(zod knows no one could shut up about it for weeks) and done, we’ll just call this hooha over Colbert “ruining Congress” a wash.
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Good Morning, Recursive Colbert Costume. Keep the Fear Infinite.
Posted by mistergroonk in Digital Share, Intertube Madness, Just Freaking Neat, Tutorials on October 29, 2010
Redditor, Sirberus has prepared himself for the coming rally to keep fear and/or sanity alive. He has done what any mindful citizen would do before this momentous occasion in American history.
He made some neat swag.
We hear you, behind your respective keyboards, scowling and griping about not having a neat DIY shirt to wear to our nation’s capitol on October 30, 2010.
Well bitch no more, Internet. Sirberus has provided a link and kindly instructions on how to make your own rally shirt.
I’m trying to figure the best way to deliver this. I’ll likely host the high-res files somewhere and put a link up on my site with a step-by-step on how to make it. In total, it should only cost around $15 or so to make your own (I got my shirt for $3, a pack of iron-on’s for $7, and some card-stock paper for like $5). You can obviously make more for friends and such.
The Design:
The Designer:
The How-To’s:
Good Morning, Reddit Neighbor. Why Does Your Pumpkin Disapprove?
Posted by mistergroonk in Art, Holiday on October 28, 2010
via reddit
Overload: Awesome Reddit is Awesome. Gets a Thank You from Stephen Colbert.
Posted by mistergroonk in Digital Share, Intertube Madness, Interviews, Just Freaking Neat, USA on September 17, 2010
Reddit has been in our heart for just a few months. That’s a short time by meatspace standards. But it’s ancient by virtual reckoning. Reddit has remained “sticky” for us where Digg failed a long time ago. Also, we’re hard pressed to recall a time when Digg users did something this awesome.
The idea of the Colbert Rally came about when, on August 28th, a Pink-Faced Half-Wit decided to rally his troops congregation followers in Washington, DC. Just what they’re riled-up about remains unclear to our logic. But that’s not important.
What is important is that some grand Redditor posited the idea that “Colbert needs to hold a satirical rally in DC.” This idea snowballed on the Internets into
This ball continued to roll downhill until The Daily Show and Colbert Report returned from their week break. Internet continued to push, as only the Internet can, to make the Restore Truthiness to become a reality.
In the meantime, Reddit formed a charity to Restore Truthiness to the Classroom. It’s goal: raise $500,00 USD by October 1, 2010. As of this posting it’s raised $237, 873 USD. Not bad. Not bad at all. (If you wish to donate just go to: )
Mr Colbert was so moved by the amount of money raised for USA schools that he thanked Reddit with this verified and sweet note.
Dear Redditors,
Ever since the visit of one of your Dear Leaders, Alexis “kn0thing” Ohanian, my inbox has been orangered with pleas to “Restore Truthiness.” The track record of your hivemind speaks for itself. Mr. Splashypants got a name. You rescued Soapier. You frightened the sweet-and-sour Jesus out of a 90-year-old man on his birthday. Despite how silly and nonsexual reddit can be, your true colors show when someone is in need.
I almost had a pregnant when I saw what you had done at for classrooms around the country. I am humbled and honored (a rare combination for me), and find myself wishing there was a Look of Approval.
You have inspired me by helping untold thousands of students; with the momentum you’ve created, we could stage a hundred rallies. I might just call on you, Redditors – for nothing is more terrifying than tens of thousands of Heroes taking to the streets with the faint odor of bacon wafting behind them. Except for bears, obviously.One huge upvote for you.
Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
And he sent, Alexis Ohanian, Reddit co-founder, an photo of thanks.
Now, as of September 16, 2010, all the papers have been signed and the announcements have been made. On October 30, 2010, the “Jon Stewart – Rally to Restore Sanity” and the “Stephen Colbert – March to Keep Fear Alive!” will come to Washington, DC.
Raising money for schools. Being the voice of reason in the night. Raising awareness of other reasonable voices.
That’s Reddit. Helping people.
Links to all the official sites we could muster and a Big Think interview with Alexis Ohanian on how Reddit has used its powers for awesome(before the recent happenings) lay below the cut.
Good Morning, Reddit. You Look Delicious.
Posted by mistergroonk in Food, Intertube Madness on September 13, 2010
Good Morning, Friday 5PM Worshippers. Cool Dog is Ready for Your Weekend.
Posted by mistergroonk in Animals, LOL, Photography, USA on August 20, 2010
via reddit
FIRECANE, Reddit Tempts Fate. Offers SyFy Channel New Movie Idea.
Posted by mistergroonk in Intertube Madness, Macro, One Sheets on May 4, 2010
On the 3D Effect: The Sad State of Movies in 2010
Posted by mistergroonk in Intertube Madness, LOL, Macro, Movies on April 27, 2010