Posts Tagged information design
Handy Guide: Zombie Phrenology, Understanding the Natural Tendencies of the Undead
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation on October 8, 2012
Dipping a toe into the great, wide internet ocean. It’s a bit nippy around here. Definitely teaming with what passes for life these days. We’ll (re)fit just fine.
Thanks to the mighty Simon Drax for this.
Infographic: The History of ABC Animated
Posted by mistergroonk in Books, History, World on January 21, 2011
Below is a screencap of an animated gif denoting the history of ABC.
Click the image or here to see actual animation.
WATCH: David McCandless Talk the Beauty of Data Visualization. “Data is the New Soil”
Posted by mistergroonk in Art, Comics, Intertube Madness, Just Freaking Neat, Marketing on September 17, 2010
Here we present to you a delightful TED talk featuring journalist/programmer Davd McCandless.
When David McCandless began speaking of combing the language of the eye with the language of the mind the obvious connection came to us.
“It’s two languages working together at the same time.”
This is something comics readers have known forever. It’s no accident that data visualization works as a simple, yet complex, way to get useful information across efficiently.
Below the jump, some info-graphics featured in the TED Talk that stirred our curiosity.