Posts Tagged Hayao Miyazaki

Trailer Tuesday: Studio Ghibli’s THE BORROWER ARRIETTY

Official Synopsis

14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items “borrowed” from the house’s human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.

What We Learned:

  • When you’re tiny, you need things.
  • Those aren’t rats in your walls.
  • Tiny houses inside quaint country cottages is cuteness overload and we love it.

Why We’re Gonna Watch:
This is written by Hayao Miyazaki at Studio Ghibli. Also, it stirs Kid Groonk memories of watching The Littles on late Saturday mornings.
When’s it coming?
It’s out in Japan now. It’s coming in September to South Korea. No info on when it’s out in the USA.
Official site:
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Eiko Kadono Ends the Tale of “Kiki’s Delivery Service”

This is a little story that involves a witch. The final book in the series known as “Kiki’s Delivery Service” has been published.

Kiki's_Delivery_Service_Screenshot_01_Kiki_and_Jiji_flying_by_clocktower“I was sad when I wrote ‘The End.’ But the end is a beginning. Each reader will probably continue the tale,” Kadono says.

In the first book, Kiki is a 13-year-old witch who goes on a journey by herself. In the final book she is the mother of two 13-year-old twins, worrying about her children as they prepare to depart on their own journey. Many readers say they are disappointed to see an end to the series. The 74-year-old writer says she wanted to finish the series while she could.

In the books, Kiki faces various difficulties — relationship problems, failure at her job — and faces them not with magic but with a true heart.

“She’s just got one magical power (flying on a broomstick), so she can’t solve her problems easily, which made it fun to write. Everybody’s got one magical power,” the author says.

In the gloaming of the 1990s a birthday gift from a friend, and co-worker, fell into our greedy hands. Kiki’s Delivery Service directed by Hayao Miyazaki, it read. The movie accepted with a raised eyebrow and conflicting emotions, we wondered if our friend had quietly gone insane. The concern was misplaced. After sitting on the shelf for more weeks than we care to admit, we watched the film and fell in love with Kiki and the directing talents of Miyazaki. We never doubted that friend’s taste in movies again…except for that one movie.

We never crossed paths with the manga. The strength of the movie was enough to stir bittersweet feelings about the manga’s ending. It’s as if a little bit of magic is leaving the world.

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Toying with a new format. Two trailers. One Post.

Less searching? GNET is always evolving…for you.


Hayao Miyazaki‘s (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke) latest opus is close to the breaking shore. Sadly, Disney marketers still haven’t figured out how to cut a proper trailer for all the wondrous things you’ll find inside a Miyazaki flick.

Equally legendary animator, Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell), offers curious insight on PONYO. Know that we will be watching it as soon as this little town offers the chance and forming our own opinions.

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TO: Modern Movies. Hayao Miyazaki Thinks You’re Weird

This article contains tons of telling tidbits on one of our favorite directors, Hayao Miyazaki.

Humans face a basic choice between love or money, he believes. “A five-year-old understands that in a way an adult obsessed with the economy and share prices cannot. I make movies that can be understood by that five-year-old, and to bring out that purity of heart.”


“I can’t stand modern movies,” he winces. “The images are too weird and eccentric for me.” He shuns TV and most modern media, reading books or travelling instead. It is no surprise to find that the multimillionaire director’s car, parked outside the Ghibli studio, is an antique Citröen CV, an icon of minimalist, unfussy driving.


“Young people are surrounded by virtual things,” he laments. “They lack real experience of life and lose their imaginations. Animators can only draw from their own experiences of pain and shock and emotions.”

It’s refreshing to know that in a world of McGs and Ratners and Bays, a modest fellow sits there. Tucked away in his corner of the world, Hayao Miyazaki is dreaming up wondrous awesomes like: My Neighbor Totoro, Porco Rosso, Mononoke Hime, Spirited Away, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, etc etc. He’s there, at his desk, making these things and sharing with world at large, just because he can.

We admit to being apprehensive over the comingPonyo on the Cliff By the Sea. But then we recall feeling the same way before viewing Kiki’s Delivery Service and being literally blown away by the emotional impact that film held in store for us. Until he proves otherwise, Miyazaki remains on our list of The Good.

It’s a very short list.


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So much Miyazaki, So little time

There’s a whole mess of Hayao Miyazaki movies airing this month on Turner Classic Movies channel. And by a whole mess I mean a month. And by a month I mean every Thursday.

The whole damn thing kicks off tonight with Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.

Now even if you never even heard of anime or flat out don’t like it, I encourage you to give any Miyazaki flick a try. His work transcends the anime barrier and creates a category all it’s own. A category named Consistent Good Storytelling.

Some call Hayao Miyazaki the “Japanese Walt Disney.” I prefer to call him “God of all Stories.” He shares the title with Neil Gaiman and Joss Whedon, when he eats all his vegetables.

Warren Ellis relegated himself to Internet Jesus. So his title is defined.

I’m stoked that I finally get to see “Nausicaa of the Valley” and “My Neighbor Totoro“. Though I’m disappointed that “Kiki’s Delivery Service” didn’t make the list.

(via co-infomaster Dunc!)

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