Archive for category Trailers
Tuesday Tease: IRON MAN 3 Trailer Debuts on Internet, Marvel Geeks Won’t Get Anything Done Today
Posted by mistergroonk in Movies, One Sheets, Trailers on October 23, 2012
Official Synopsis: Unknown at the moment. We did see The Mandarin wearing his 10 stylish rings so we’re guessing that plot is on.
What We Learned: A bad, bad thing happened in Marvel Cinematic Universe New York City and Iron Man feels he’s to blame. You know, Marvel Cinematic Universe is a lot to type when talking about this new shared universe Marvel studios has managed to assemble. The Marvel comics multiverse is vast and ever expanding. The primary comics universe is considered to be Earth-616. We’re taking it upon ourselves to name this new shared Marvel Cinematic Universe ‘Earth-Awesome.’ Now that that’s settled, back to the trailer review. We’re guessing this bad, bad thing has nothing to do with the never ending horde of aliens riding leviathans that tried to take over Earth-Awesome(it’s growing on you) in the spring of 2012.
Tony Stark has insomnia/night terrors. This is understandable since his spare suits get “BLOWED UP!”, his house attacked from the sky and, of course, that mysterious thing that happens in NYC.
Ben Kingsley is The Mandarin and is doing his best to not sound Chinese at all. Which is odd since Earth-616 Mandarin takes a certain pride in his culture.
Why hello there Iron Patriot who could not possibly be Norman Osborne since movie SPIDER-MAN, and his characters, are still owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Why We’ll Watch: The trailer alone looks 5 times better than IRON MAN 2 turned out to be. Shane Black makes his directorial debut into the Earth-Awesome universe. Mr Black, if you don’t know, directed KISS KISS BANG BANG. And if you haven’t seen this film you stop reading this article right now. Rent it. Put it in your brain. Then try to tell us Black wasn’t a damn fine choice to do the third Iron Man. BTW Black’s screenwriting credits include the original LETHAL WEAPON, THE MONSTER SQUAD and THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT.
When’s it coming? Despite what the above trailer says, every other place we found says IRON MAN 3 will drop on May 2013.
Official site:
Watch the trailer below the jump:
IRON SKY Finally Gets a Trailer, Sets Premiere Date at Berlin International Film Festival
Posted by mistergroonk in Movies, Trailers on February 8, 2012
Official Synopsis
As World War II comes to an end in 1945, Hans Kammler and other German scientists make a breakthrough in anti-gravity research. From a secret base in the Antarctic, Nazi spaceships are sent to the “dark side” of the Moon to establish the military base “Schwarze Sonne”.[3] Their plan is to build a powerful fleet and return to conquer Earth. The film is set in the year 2018 when their descendants finally return.
What We Learned: The Nazis weren’t wiped off the face of the planet in 1945 they went TO THE MOON! And holy crap the calendar day they’ve set to return to this great Earth is 2018. Wait, did that Space Nazi scientist just poo-poo Steve Jobs technology?
Why We’ll Watch: The gears for IRON SKY began turning in 2006. It took six years to put this absurd, fantastic idea onto film and deliver it to the unsuspecting masses. We’ve had an eye on it ever since the first teaser was shared in 2008 via Internet Demigod, Warren Ellis. Blind Spot Pictures, the production company responsible for this admirable determination, has another science fiction, comedy film called STAR WRECK:THE PIRKINING(2005) under its belt. We have not seen the Star Wreck film nor have we heard much about it. Thus we can’t make a judgment from their previous work. We can say the trailer has piqued our interest and we’re determined to know how these motherhumping Space Nazis get their butts kicked back to the dark side of the moon or beyond.
When’s it coming? It debuts at the Berlin International Film Festival or Berlinale on February 11, 2012. We gotta say that BLind Spot Productions has great brass ones releasing a film about Nazis in Berlin.
The second teaser announces a movie launch date of April 4, 2012.
Official site:
That Extended Cut of the AVENGERS Trailer Most of You Have Already Seen is Here, Worth Talking About Again
Posted by mistergroonk in Comics, Movies, Trailers on February 7, 2012
Official Synopsis
Nick Fury and the international agency S.H.I.E.L.D. bring together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki & his various membered army.
What We Learned: Nick Fury believes in Harvey Dent heroes. Loki doesn’t seem to be bound to a scientists mortal form anymore. Tony Stark has iron balls to talk smack to, what for all intents and purposes, is a god. Of course, he’s probably drunk during that meeting. HULK SMASH PUNY FUTURE JET!
Why We’ll Watch: We’ll watch because of all the snark we mentioned above and then some. Seeing Marvel finally step into the light of making entertaining movies from their characters has been a joy for this Marvel zombie. Sure there have been a few mis-steps but with the House of Ideas running their own movie studio it became easier for them to keep their continuity in line. Although, it did get in their way a few other times. The loss of Jon Favreau and Ed Norton will be felt. But the machine, as always, lurches on.
Now if only Marvel studios could get back the rights to Spider-Man, The X-Men and the Fantastic Four. We could get a good sized mega-movie by throwing them back into movie continuity.
Watch the trailer below the cut.
When’s it coming? May 4, 2012
Official site: |
Tuesday Tease: Game of Thrones Season 2 Teaser “Shadow”
Posted by mistergroonk in Television, Trailers on February 7, 2012
What We Learned: The politicking thickens in season two. Tyrion Lannister understands Spider’s game. Winter is coming.
Why We’ll Watch: Tyrion fucking Lannister upturning all the plans in Westeros. Dany and her baby dragons. More chances to play @Rick_Snee‘s Game of Thrones drinking game.
When is Winter coming? April 1st, 2012 on HBO.
Official site: |
Podcast Listens: Shameless Plug Edition: Blast Shields Down, Episode 2: MOON, Hard-SciFi at It’s Best
Posted by mistergroonk in Cloning, Movies, Podcast, Trailers on January 26, 2012
Hold on to your spacesuits, faithful listener. The Blasters get incredibly nerdy and philosophical on this one.
Discussed in this episode: Mellow Sam vs Angry Sam, the future of energy, will robots become better liars than humans and why @C_Duncan is wrong about his “improvements” to this hard science fiction classic.
This episode has the distinction of being the most popular download in the Blast Shields Down series. Find out why.
HOST :@Groonk
LISTEN: [powerpress]
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Tuesday Tease: HASAKI YA SUDA, The Three Black Samurai
Posted by mistergroonk in Movies, On the French, Trailers on January 24, 2012
Official Synopsis
It is 2100. In the world engulfed in chaos and war whose residents are consumed by terrible hunger, the last fertile land became the subject of fierce battles. Three warriors: noble Wurubenba (Jacky Ido), Shandaru (Cedric Ido), who wants to avenge his father’s death, and Kapkaru (Min Man Ma) craving for power, will face one another in a fight for life and death.
What We Learned: Out there in the future open plains of Africa there are samurai roaming the land being all badass and shit.
Why We’ll Watch: Future black samurai warriors. This trailer took us by pleasant surprise. A quick search revealed HASAKI YA SUDA is a 25 minute short film made by French/Burkinabe filmmaker Cédric Ido. This IndieWire post from November 2011 explains the filmmaker’s biography in more detail. We’re here to talk about the trailer itself. The Akira Kurosawa influence is strong and welcomed.
Cédric is also a superhero fanboy, and plans to make films about black people that incorporate unlikely/unexpected elements, and that are within genres that historically and still currently ignore the contributions of people of African descent.
For once we get a film that steps outside the tropes Hollywood continues to force down the movie-going public’s throats year after year.
But enough of our soapbox. We mostly want to watch it because it looks badass.
When’s it coming? That is a bit vague. All signs point to some time in 2012.
Official site: Also, vague. there’s a Facebook page with not much on it. Once again we’ll point to the IndieWire article and the Live for Films article for good measure.
Focus Overload ‘The Bests’ 2011: All at Once. All for You: Movies Edition
Posted by mistergroonk in Movies, Trailers, Video on December 29, 2011

We were not able to attend every movie release in 2011. A fault of our not having the cash to make that happen. If any kindly geek movie review blog would like to change that…drop us a DM at @groonk.
Now that the shameless plugging is over, check out the small group of ‘best of’ lists and trailer mashups we found interesting. First up is a 2011 movie mashup by SleepySkunk.
SleepySkunk’s 2011 Movie Trailer Mashup
SleepySkunk was kind enough to provide a list of the movies used in this epic 2011 trailer mashup of epicness.
Official site:
via geek tyrant
More movie knowledge below the cut.
Official DARK KNIGHT RISES Trailer Released in HD, IMAX Movie Theater Here We Come!
Posted by mistergroonk in Movies, Trailers on December 19, 2011
Official Synopsis
Following the death of District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman assumes responsibility for Dent’s crimes in order to protect Dent’s reputation and is subsequently hunted by the Gotham City Police Department. Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, Batman returns to Gotham where he must discover the truth regarding the “enigmatic” Selina Kyle while stopping the villain Bane and his plans to destroy the city.
What We Learned: We now see how Catwoman, a jewel thief, fits into the Nolan’s Bat-verse. It looks like she’ll be Robin Hooding for us. Still don’t agree with Anne Hathway as the Selina Kyle/Catwoman but we’ll give her a go come summer 2012.
Why We’ll Watch: Why does it seem like Christopher Nolan is the only director left making movies that require you to be in an actual theater to experience the wonder of film? Why is that? Unless it has the time-consuming care of James Cameron or is an animated feature the 3D gimmick does nothing for us. This is how any movie of scope should be made. IMAX all the way.
When’s it coming? Scheduled for July 20, 2012. Summer you are so far away.
Official sites: Apple trailers | Official
The Future: ‘Condition One’ May Revolutionize Photo/Video Journalism, Reporting, & the Documentary/Indie Film Trade
Posted by mistergroonk in Apps, Movies, The Future, Trailers, Video, War on November 11, 2011
What is it: Condition One is an iPad app that will be newly launched by the time you read this post. What we’ve learned from the trailer(listed below) is that you turn your iPad into a portable video camera. When viewing what you have filmed, you can swipe to see different angles during playback. From what we can tell Condition One personalizes the viewing experience through portable film making. It’s as if you have become the intrepid reporter behind enemy lines seeking out the story within. It blends photo journalism and reporting in interesting ways. That’s how we see it anyway. One top of all that, it’s free!
This app has quickly become the second reason we’d spend money on an iPad.
Official sites
Condition ONE Demo from Danfung Dennis on Vimeo.
The Condition ONE app gives users the ability to look in any direction while viewing footage. By pivoting and tilting the iPad, one literally manipulates the corresponding field of view. The highly sensitive motion controls produce the illusion of looking through a window into another reality, giving a visceral sense of ‘being there’.