Archive for category Map
Moment of Who: Type 40 TARDIS Mark I Schematic
Posted by mistergroonk in Just Freaking Neat, Map, Technology on February 8, 2011
This was found on King Rassilon’s Photobucket and entered into the Dr Who Reddit.
Note the tiny Galaxy Class starship scale comparison on the bottom left. The Federation wishes it had Time Lord technology.
For even more TARDIS blueprints, scroll to the bottom of VerGuy’s Reddit post.
via r/doctorwho
Today in Star Wars: The “Millennium Falcon†Blueprints. Now Go Build Your Own.
Posted by mistergroonk in Just Freaking Neat, Map, Movies on November 17, 2010
Webcomic: XKCD Returns to Chart the Internet. Welcome to Reddit, Digg Runaways.
Posted by mistergroonk in Comics, Intertube Madness, Map on October 13, 2010
If you look closer, you’ll see that the Digg situation did not escape Randall Munroe’s attention.
Greg Mahlknecht’s World Wire Map, Neal Stephenson’s “Mother Earth Mother Board”
Posted by mistergroonk in Digital Share, Map, World on August 24, 2010
Greg’s Cable Map tracks how information travels the big blue marble of Earth.
When Wired was young, Neal Stephenson wrote an article on the longest wire on Earth.
Mother Earth Mother Board
The hacker tourist ventures forth across the wide and wondrous meatspace of three continents, chronicling the laying of the longest wire on Earth.By Neal Stephenson – Information moves, or we move to it. Moving to it has rarely been popular and is growing unfashionable; nowadays we demand that the information come to us. This can be accomplished in three basic ways: moving physical media around, broadcasting radiation through space, and sending signals through wires. This article is about what will, for a short time anyway, be the biggest and best wire ever made.
Read the entire article here.
via august on the net whitechapel
Visualize: Map the BP Oil Disaster to Your Location, Gain Perspective
Posted by mistergroonk in Google-fied, Map, USA, World on June 1, 2010
When descriptions are good enough, what is needed is a little visual perspective. Above you see the output from a Google Maps mashup of the Gulf Oil mayhem relative to our location in the world.
To get your own map, follow the link.
via In Perspective
Worried Parents Turn to iPhones this Halloween, Download Paedophile Maps
Posted by mistergroonk in Holiday, Map, USA on October 25, 2009
Remember the 80s when all we used to worry about was razorblade filled candy, black-hearted madmen poisoning Halloween candy, and oddly karmic violent retribution for morally ambiguous acts?
Thousands of American parents, fearful that their children will be abused by paedophiles while trick-or-treating on Halloween, have downloaded software to identify the homes of sex offenders in their neighbourhoods.
The past always feels more innocent does it not?
More info on the iPhone app in question, the Offender Locator, can be found at Tech Crunch and Gizmodo.
(via telegraph)
Mapped: The Inner Workings of Muppets
Posted by mistergroonk in Map, Technology on August 11, 2009
Lovers of muppets and how things work, please gather around. Children, you shouldn’t be here anyway but we applaud your furtive steps in dodging those parental blocking sites. This is completely SFW. And yet could be very damaging to your childlike wonder. We will not be responsible for this tragedy.
Look away now. Have a cookie and play outside. You’re beginning to form Morlockian features.
Everyone else, please attend this awesome and terrifying spectacle:
Read the rest of this entry »
Internet Memes: We has Them Plotted
Posted by mistergroonk in Apps, History, Intertube Madness, Map, Marketing on September 19, 2008
Included in the above is professor Scott Fahlman’s creation of the : – ) in 1982.
Gupta’s time line (embedded above) has become the second most popular one on Dipity, which hosts approximately 75,000 different interactive charts. Dipity lets users quickly generate time lines by entering information manually or by capturing data from RSS feeds, YouTube, Flickr or Twitter accounts. Using Dipity’s tools, users have built time lines chronicling events in TV show Lost and the inception of virtual worlds.
I’ve not received my invite to give Dipity a try. I’m waiting, guys.
Mapping Out the Fiction-verse
Posted by mistergroonk in Artist, Comics, Just Freaking Neat, Map on June 30, 2008
Austin Kleon wrote in may about the useful application of fictional places being mapped out. World-building: it’s not just for fantasy and sci-fi writers anymore.
My undergrad thesis argued that world-building wasn’t just for fantasy and sci-fi writers—every tale has a setting, every tale creates a world in the reader’s mind—and it explored ways that drawing that world (visual thinking!) can lead to better fiction.
Some of my favorite “lit’ry†books are accompanied by maps.
For those, like me, who forgot my previous post on maps(Hello Mongo) I re-introduce the Strange Maps blog.
(via austin kleon)