Archive for category History
A Kiss Can Be Even Deadlier if You Mean It: The Navy Homecoming Kiss Between a Sailor and Her Girlfriend
Posted by mistergroonk in History, Just Freaking Neat, USA on December 26, 2011
Getting to use a Tim Burton Batman quote was the delicious gravy on top of the idea that the US military has photographic evidence of finally stepping into the 21st century.
As it starts to drizzle, the brow is finally lowered. A handful of top officers are first off the ship, and then comes a young woman in dress blues, Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta.
Snell cracks a wide smile.
“That’s her,” she says.
When Gaeta spots her, she smiles, too. They embrace. With all eyes watching, they keep the kiss short, and the crowd cheers.
News video under the cut.
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It’s Christmas Eve, Boys and Girls. Be Good or the Krampus Will Whip You.
Posted by mistergroonk in Art, Artist, History, Holiday on December 24, 2011
Twitterer @RonSalas retweeted an old Christmas card @CalamityJon created a few years ago.
The Krampus is an old myth that the Venture Brothers introduced us to a few years ago. Take a walk through YouTube and you’ll find tons of contemporary parade and Traditional Krampus videos all up in there.
Now imagine our surprise when we learned obscure mythologist writer most extraordinary, Neil Gaiman, did not know of the Krampus.
@neilhimself whaaaa?!Really?!*I* knew about Krampus… how can this be?! #DogsAndCatsLivingTogether #NothingMakesSenseAnymore
— Rantz Hoseley (@RantzHoseley) December 12, 2011
We’re still reeling from this revelation. Reality as we know it may never recover.
via @ronsalas
Moment of Who: 2 Missing Doctor Who Episodes Found! Returned to BBC Archive.
Posted by mistergroonk in History, Television on December 12, 2011
In the old days, the BBC had a habit of recording over their older programs in order to save some cash. A lot of British TV culture was lost because of this policy. More than a few Dr Who’s were lost this way. It seems parts of the lost episodes have been found and returned to the BFI archives. Now if they can manage to keep their money-saving fingers off of these shows Whovians can relax a bit.
Here’s how they were found:
“Through me,†says Ralph Montagu, Radio Times’s head of heritage and a lifelong Doctor Who fan. “I occasionally meet up with a group of film collectors and retired TV engineers at a café in Hampshire.
“A few months ago I spoke to Terry Burnett, who used to be an engineer at TVS [the former ITV franchise based in Southampton]. Somehow Doctor Who was mentioned in passing, and Terry said, ‘Oh, actually I think I’ve got an old episode.’
“I thought it was bound to be something we’ve got already,†says Ralph. “I tried not to get too excited, but he came back the next day and brought this spool with him. It had no label, so I had a look at the film leader and it said ‘Air Lock’. I thought, ‘What’s that?’ I checked online and saw that Air Lock was an episode of Galaxy 4 – a missing Hartnell serial. So then I got very excited.â€
Ralph met Terry again a couple of weeks later, “And he said, ‘Guess what I’ve got.’ It was another episode of Doctor Who! Again not labelled on the can, but it turned out to be The Underwater Menace part two.â€
- Doctor Who Online: Two Lost Doctor Who Episodes Found!
- Radio Times: Doctor Who: two long-lost episodes uncovered
- BBC Official Doctor Who: Missing Episodes Recovered!
A list of other Dr Who episodes still filed under ‘lost’ can be found here.
Clips from episodes “Galaxy 4” and “The Underwater Menace” featuring the 1st Doctor (William Hartnell) and the 2nd Doctor(Patrick Troughton) are featured below.
Found: Skeleton of Roman Lovers Buried Holding Hands.This is How Love Ends.
Posted by mistergroonk in History, People Who Died on November 28, 2011
Take from it what you will. This is not the first time we’ve noted past humans sharing death’s embrace.
Together for eternity: The skeletons of Roman lovers buried together holding hands
The pair are believed to have been buried together 1,500 years ago in a joint tomb inside the palace walls in Modena, indicating some sort of nobility towards the dying days of the Roman empire.
Observers say the woman seems to be looking lovingly at what scientists believe is her partner.
via daily mail
Music Break: “Space Girl” Video Lovingly Depicts Evolution of Women in ScFi
Posted by mistergroonk in History, Intertube Madness, Music on June 8, 2011
Below the jump we’ve dropped You Tuber Charmax76‘s video montage of woman in sci-fi set to The Imagined Village’s “Space Girl.” The Adrenaline Makeover of ladies in science fiction is a wonder to behold. As one You Tuber put it, ‘they started off manning the phones and ended up kicking ass!‘. We especially loved the nod to the late Elisabeth Sladen walking off into the sunset with K9.
The featured song is a sweet bit of ear honey. So sweet, in fact, that we tracked “Space Girl” down on Amazon mp3 downloads and bought the hell out of it.
Yes we did.
We did.
We did.
What is: The Sunday Punch?
Posted by mistergroonk in Comics, History, LOL on May 3, 2011
The Sunday Punch started in late July 2010 with this image from Comically Vintage.
The Sunday Punch quickly transformed itself into a once a week focus on Batman in pop culture.
via comically vintage
God’s Wife Almost Edited Out of the Bible…. Almost
Posted by mistergroonk in Books, History on April 7, 2011
We’ll let Discovery News carry the weight of this report.
Asherah’s connection to Yahweh, according to Stavrakopoulou, is spelled out in both the Bible and an 8th century B.C. inscription on pottery found in the Sinai desert at a site called Kuntillet Ajrud.
“The inscription is a petition for a blessing,” she shares. “Crucially, the inscription asks for a blessing from ‘Yahweh and his Asherah.’ Here was evidence that presented Yahweh and Asherah as a divine pair. And now a handful of similar inscriptions have since been found, all of which help to strengthen the case that the God of the Bible once had a wife.”
Asherah — known across the ancient Near East by various other names, such as Astarte and Istar — was “an important deity, one who was both mighty and nurturing,” Wright continued.“Many English translations prefer to translate ‘Asherah’ as ‘Sacred Tree,'” Wright said. “This seems to be in part driven by a modern desire, clearly inspired by the Biblical narratives, to hide Asherah behind a veil once again.”
“Mentions of the goddess Asherah in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) are rare and have been heavily edited by the ancient authors who gathered the texts together,” Aaron Brody, director of the Bade Museum and an associate professor of Bible and archaeology at the Pacific School of Religion, said.
As always, read the full report via Discovery News
The Sunday Punch: …A Pterodactyl Again
Posted by mistergroonk in Comics, Dinosaurs, History on March 20, 2011