Archive for category Google-fied
Smile, It’s Charlie Chaplin’s 122nd Birthday
Posted by mistergroonk in Google-fied, Intertube Madness, LOL on April 16, 2011
In case you haven’t noticed, Google is celebrating Charlie Chaplin‘s 122nd birthday with a special silent video doodle.
You can view the video on You Tube by clicking the image below.
Moment of Who: The Search for Time Lord Technology is On
Posted by mistergroonk in Google-fied, Intertube Madness, LOL on February 9, 2011
via r/doctorwho
Urlesque Didn’t Start the Fire, Has Fun with Google Instant
Posted by mistergroonk in Google-fied, Intertube Madness, Marketing on September 13, 2010
Billy Joel’s anthem to the “same shit, different day” mentality, as applied to the history of the world, was 20 years ago. “We Didn’t Start the Fire” is 20 years old!
Urlesque remembered Mr Joel, saw Google Instant and created an opportunity.
Visualize: Map the BP Oil Disaster to Your Location, Gain Perspective
Posted by mistergroonk in Google-fied, Map, USA, World on June 1, 2010
When descriptions are good enough, what is needed is a little visual perspective. Above you see the output from a Google Maps mashup of the Gulf Oil mayhem relative to our location in the world.
To get your own map, follow the link.
via In Perspective
Google is Sneaky, Quietly Shares their Electronic Tablet Concept
Posted by mistergroonk in Books, Comics, Google-fied, Technology on February 5, 2010
While the world continues to express their like or dislike or lack of caring about the sexy, yet creatively impotent, Apple iPad, Google sneaks their ideas about what a fully functional electronic notepad should look and work.
Hey, Google! Have you met Bonner R&D?
Video under the jump.
Saturday Afternoon Theater: Pulp Wave Fiction
Posted by mistergroonk in Google-fied, Movies, Tutorials, Video on October 17, 2009
From Joe Sabia of Get Whirled we present to you Pulp Wave Fiction. We’re still working through how best to use the newly acquired Google Wave. Of all the Google Wave demos that’s passed before our eyes, this bit of cinema here is the best tutorial on the market.
The less amusing Google Wave Cinema: Good Will Hunting is worth a watch but not an embed.
Next week look for something more fitting with the season.
Editor’s Note: Apparently we’re gonna have to play hot potato with this gem of a parody. You have been warned.
(via @willentrekin)
Google and Adobe to Help Visualize the Tree of Life
Posted by mistergroonk in Digital Share, Google-fied, Science, Technology on February 11, 2009
Scientists are working on a way to re-visualize the evolutionary tree.
There’s just one problem. “We have no way to visualize such a tree at the moment,†he said. If they tried, they would end up with a blurry, inscrutable thicket. “It would be ironic,†Dr. Sanderson said. “We’d be saying, ‘We’ve built it, but we can’t show it to you.’ â€
People clearly underestimate the benefits of a properly laid out visual interface. Looking at you, mid-to-late 90s web page programmers.
The biologists of today are looking to the computer scientists and software engineers from Google and Adobe to create a new way of looking at evolution.
Google Tracks Your Disease, All of Them
Posted by mistergroonk in Apps, Google-fied, Intertube Madness on July 10, 2008
A new website, HealthMap, addresses that challenge by siphoning up text from Google News, the World Health Organization and online discussion groups, then filtering it and boiling it down into mapped data that researchers — and the public — can use to track new disease outbreaks, region by region.
“There is so much information on the web about disease outbreaks but it’s obscured by garbage and noise,” said John Brownstein, a professor at Harvard Medical School, and co-founder of “The idea of HealthMap is to get filtered, valuable information to the public and public health community in one freely available resource.”
A Talk with Diesel Octopus Sweetie Pies @ Google
Posted by mistergroonk in Comics, Digital Share, Google-fied, Interviews, Video on July 1, 2008
Finally getting around to watching the talk @Google with Diesel Sweeties, Rich Stevens and Octopus Pie‘s, Meredith Gran. While I work on other things, I learn how to be awesome @ webcomics.
What a grand work ethic.
Now if only I got paid.
(via video google you tube)
Redstone Arsenal Rocket Goes Bada Boom, Scares 5 Counties
Posted by mistergroonk in Alabama, Google-fied on February 22, 2008
Something blew the fuck up late last night. I mistook it for thunder or my lead-footed upstairs neighbor. It seems, I was wrong on both counts.
Across 5 counties this was heard. I heard and *felt* it. Rattled the building, it did. If you follow the link you see that the typical Huntsville geek, named Opticron, has taken it upon himself to be Super Geektastic (not in a good way) and track the latitude and longitude of the origin.
Who is the bigger geek, him for tracking or me for bothering to Google Map it, I’ll let you decide. I just want to know what blew the hell up. (Looking at you, Redstone Arsenal.)
(via me)
EDIT: The reigning theory is a sonic boom from an aircraft. I’m cool with that, although I’ve no idea why you would test aircraft here. I wasn’t even sure military jets bothered to land here. It’s mostly helicopters and rockets round these parts.
UPDATE: And so the Arsenal admits to blowing up half a million dollar rocket late into the night.
Around 11 p.m. a loud boom was reported in southeast Huntsville, Limestone, Morgan, Marshall, Lawrence and DeKalb counties.
The slow cook-off test involves placing a rocket engine in a stove-like piece of equipment and heating it until the engine blows. Normally the tests are scheduled to explode in the afternoons, but this one ran later – much later.
The low clouds helped carry the sound to at least five surrounding counties.
Before the Arsenal released a statement, The Andalusia Star News had speculations.