Archive for category Animation
Handy Guide: Zombie Phrenology, Understanding the Natural Tendencies of the Undead
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation on October 8, 2012
Dipping a toe into the great, wide internet ocean. It’s a bit nippy around here. Definitely teaming with what passes for life these days. We’ll (re)fit just fine.

Thanks to the mighty Simon Drax for this.
Today in Star Wars: Avatar: The Last Airbender, from a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Artist, Just Freaking Neat, Television on February 13, 2012
Sunday Punch: Worst. Puppet Show. Ever.
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Comics on February 12, 2012
A Damn Fine Short SciFi-Film: Aaron Sims’ ARCHETYPE , ‘Your Memories are Just a Glitch’
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Intertube Madness, Just Freaking Neat, Movies, Robots on February 10, 2012
Official Synopsis
RL7 is an eight-foot tall combat robot that goes on the run after malfunctioning with vivid memories of once being human. As its creators and the military close in, RL7 battles its way to uncovering the shocking truth behind its mysterious visions and past.
Directed by: Aaron Sims
starring: Robert Joy (Land of the Dead, CSI:NY) and David Anders (Heroes, 24).
What We Learned: Special effects and animation veteran Aaron Sims released his $0 budget and completely unfunded labor of love, ARCHETYPE, on the Internets January 20, 2012. After watching it the first time we decided on the spot that ARCHETYPE is pretty fucking cool!
Like most Hollywood movies, all the usual tropes are covered. Unlike most Hollywood big action fare Aaron Sims made those tropes engaging and worth watching. We’ve already viewed this short more times than we care to mention.
Seven minutes is just not enough.
We hope this taste of the ARCHETYPE world generates enough buzz and gains financial backers so that he can fully visualize his labor of love. Note: we’re almost certain the concept art of Sims complete vision is featured in the credits. Stick around and watch those for once.
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! This has been a labor of love on a budget of $0 and it makes it all worth while when we see other poeple responding to it. Thank you! – Aaron Sims
Official sites: |
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Good Morning, Samurai Warriors
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Movies on February 10, 2012
Music Break: “This is Aperture,” the Portal 2 Parody of “This is Halloween”
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Just Freaking Neat, Music, Video on January 30, 2012
Music – Reason 5 [Harry101UK]
Video – Premiere Pro CS5 [Harry101UK]
Lyrics – [A.P.H.I.D.1.0 + Harry101UK]
YouTuber HarryUK did all the music, video-editing and voices for this parody of the classic song “This is Halloween” from the classic movie NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS.
via geeks are sexy
Podcast Listens: Shameless Plug Edition: Blast Shields Down Film Review Society, Episode 1: THE IRON GIANT
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Movies on January 24, 2012
Greetings, faithful reader! Did you know we have a side project? Beginning in the early days of Autumn 2011 the Blast Shields Down Film Review Society began uploading film reviews into the Internets joining the thousands upon millions of other podcasters that talk about movies. What makes us different? Each episode a host brings a movie to the table and we discuss the hell out of it.
Over the next few days will feature a BSD episode as a sort of “previously on” kind of thing. If you shamelessly plug it, people will come. That’s the hope anyway.
Your hosts are: “Bad Boy” @Rick_Snee, “Edit Master” @C_Duncan, “The Big Brother” DaJuan and “The Nerdy One” @Groonk(this site’s humble editor).
Every episode of Blast Shields Down is spoilerific. But luckily, as of this posting, every movie we’ve discussed is on Netflix streaming(sponsor?).
This is our first experience in broadcasting. We look forward to growing and getting a little better with each episode. The end goal? To become a mighty podcasting juggernaut alongside Nerdist Industries, the TWiT Nation and Frogpants Studios.
Right now we’ll settle for bringing laughs to your long and dreary day with nerdy conversation and dick jokes.
HOST :@C_Duncan
LISTEN: [powerpress]
Talk at us on:
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Today in Star Wars: Darth Vader as Don Draper. All the Fine Ass and Scotch the Empire has to Offer.
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Intertube Madness, Marketing, Movies, Television, Video on January 24, 2012
Sunday Punch: Matthew Petz’s My Neighbor Batman, God of Justice
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Art, Artist, Comics on December 18, 2011
Art Out Moment: Phil Noto’s Finn and Jake from ADVENTURE TIME!
Posted by mistergroonk in Animation, Art, Artist on December 14, 2011
If Adventure Time ever got a live-action movie treatment we have a hope it looks half as awesome as Phil Noto’s vision.
via phil noto tumblr