We were not able to attend every movie release in 2011. A fault of our not having the cash to make that happen. If any kindly geek movie review blog would like to change that…drop us a DM at @groonk.
Now that the shameless plugging is over, check out the small group of ‘best of’ lists and trailer mashups we found interesting. First up is a 2011 movie mashup by SleepySkunk.
SleepySkunk’s 2011 Movie Trailer Mashup
SleepySkunk was kind enough to provide a list of the movies used in this epic 2011 trailer mashup of epicness.
Official site:http://sleepyskunk.tumblr.com/post/14418957447/2011-movie-trailer-mashup
via geek tyrant
More movie knowledge below the cut.
Roger Ebert’s 20 Best Films of 2011(Not including Documentaries)
Roger Ebert compiled a list of movies not commonly known. Yet somehow HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 2, DRIVE and HUGO made the cut.
Making lists is not my favorite occupation. They inevitably inspire only reader complaints. Not once have I ever heard from a reader that my list was just fine, and they liked it. Yet an annual Best Ten list is apparently a statutory obligation for movie critics.
My best guess is that between six and ten of these movies won’t be familiar. Those are the most useful titles for you, instead of an ordering of movies you already know all about.
via roger ebert
Unsung films Of 2011
The AV Club made a video movie list of films no one is talking about. Of all the films they mention, BEING ELMO is the only one that caught our interest. Check out their monster Best of 2011 list that covers just about everything you can think of.
via the AV Club
Matt Shapiro’s 2011: The Cinescape
We’ve renamed Matt Shapiro‘s 2011 contribution ‘A Cavalcade of Tropes.” Always remember, Tropes are Not Bad. It all depends on proper execution.
via cinescape
15 Best Films of 2011 by Chris Stuckmann
Lastly, we invite you to view this end of year video tribute. Stuckmann is a YouTube movie critic we happened across thanks to Catherine Reitman(more on her another post).
via chris stuckmann