Moment of Who: Texts from the TARDIS & The Hub & The Sexy TARDIS

Not one. Not two. But three. Three Doctor Who related Tumblrs. Two of them take advantage of the “Texts from ___” meme that we’ve been missing out on. Texts from Pawnee, you’re next on our Tumblr Watch list.

They also harken to fumetti or photonovels, if you will. Photonovels use stills from film or television along with narrative text or word balloons to tell a story. So yeah. Comics!

The odd lady out on this list is the Sexy TARDIS Tumblr. It takes advantage of the much loved(by us anyway) Neil Gaiman written Dr Who episode that aired this year, “The Doctor’s Wife.”

Texts from the TARDIS

What Is It?: Screen caps from all of current Doctor Who series were merged with Texts from last Night. Hilarity ensues. Sexy hilarity.

Where Is It?:

Texts from The Hub

What Is It?: Some avid TORCHWOOD fan(this remains hard for us to believe those really exist) took Texts From last Night and applied them to scans from the DOCTOR WHO spinoff TORCHWOOD for comedic effect. We gotta say this is the funnest that show has ever been. This includes all the unintentional laughs. But it does not include the “Children of Earth” miniseries which we found quite enjoyable.

Where Is It?:


What Is It?: As we mentioned above, Neil Gaiman wrote an episode for the 11th Doctor called “The Doctor’s Wife.” In that gem of television we learn that The Doctor calls the TARDIS sexy when they are alone. Fandom has latched on to this idea with gusto and ran with it. The SexyTARDIS- Tumblr is all about “Sexy” doing its damnedest to take you home for the night. If you know what we mean. Basically it’s inside Who jokes nerds tell themselves during that game of D&D on a Friday night.(This fits us to a ‘t’ only the games are on a Sunday night.)

Where Is It?:

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